Core Courses
Prospectus – 2018
General Guidelines
- Teachers maintain a close vigil on the day to day performance of the children.
- Evaluation is done through three sets of examinations Quarterly, I Quarterly examination in the month of August, Half yearly examination during December and finals in March.
- All students are required to maintain regularity of attendance. Those having attendance below 75% are not allowed to take up the final examination.
- The minimum passing percentage is 40% in each subject as well as in the aggregate.
- If a student fails in 2 or more subjects, He/ She will be detained in the same standard.
- If a student fails in one subject, He /She be considered for re-test.
- If a student is unable to take up Promotional Examination on medical grounds, medical certificate is essential for working out the average assessment.
- No rank will be awarded below 60%.


Group Discussions

Group Discussions
Lecture Method

Lecture Method

The Flipped...